Autor: Admin
Datum objave: 10.09.2013


Pogledajte popis turnira

Iduće Svjetsko juniorsko prvenstvo i kvalifikacije za Olimpijske igre mladih održat će se u Kineskom Tajpehu od 23. - 29. ožujka 2014.


Obzirom na rani dio godine održavanja Svjetskog prvenstva i kvalifikacija, na prijedlog trenera juniorske reprezentacije Hrvoja Bregeša i Lidije Katalinić Špoljarić i odlukom koordinatora selekcija Petra Josipovića, donesen je Plan aktivnosti za izbor kandidata i kandidatkinja za juniorsku selekciju za 2014. godinu.




Uvjeti koje moraju ispuniti potencijalni kandidati i kandidatkinje za sudjelovanje na kriterijskim turnirima su:

1. Nositelji ili nositeljice crnog pojasa minimum 1. Poom ili 1. Dan

2. Rođeni 1997., 1998. i 1999. godine 



1. "2. KUP NOVE GRADIŠKE", Nova Gradiška, organizator Tk "Vukovi", 26.10.2013.

2. "II VUKOVAR OPEN", Vukovar, organizator Tk "Otok", 23.11.2013.

3. "III KRITERIJSKI TURNIR", mjesto održavanja objavit ćemo naknadno, 14.12.2013.


Kandidatima se sugerira nastup na "19. Zagreb - Croatia Open" turniru koji iako nije kriterijski turnir je dobra provjera kandidata u međunarodnoj konkurenciji sportaša i sportašica.


Plasman na kriterijskim turnirima bit će bodovan sa 8 bodova za prvo mjesto, 4 boda za drugo mjesto i 2 boda za treće mjesto.


Konačni izbor kandidata za nastup na Svjetskom juniorskom prvenstvu i Kvalifikacijama za Olimpijske igre mladih odredit će treneri selekcija u skladu sa financijskim mogućnostima Saveza.

Kategorije: Taekwondo
Tagovi: Taekwondo, HTS
# 8 Dana 07.01.2016 - 11:50 Zariel ... je rekao/la:
I thank you humbly for shinarg your wisdom JJWY [url=]rcwibmqqd[/url] [link=]ugbtjzgwr[/link]
# 7 Dana 26.12.2015 - 10:45 Ndan ... je rekao/la:
This post has helped me think things thugroh
# 6 Dana 24.10.2015 - 14:13 Anant ... je rekao/la:
Please keep thwrniog these posts up they help tons.
# 5 Dana 17.10.2015 - 00:23 Mateus ... je rekao/la:
is SUCH an Ah***! JESUS CHRIST!!! The stupidity of his qsentious to the DNA expert is astounding, time wasting, ridiculous! Bernie what the f*** are you getting at???I can't anymore. my BP is rising. I cant believe this s**&Lord have mercy! [url=]ekvswq[/url] [link=]iwfbfnvpy[/link]
# 4 Dana 15.10.2015 - 05:16 Ewelina ... je rekao/la:
..."Poor Desert. She actually thnkis the prosecutor is on Trayvon's side...She figures that he is a bad lawyer when in fact, he is a good lawyer doing a superb job for Zimmerman.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yup! He's a good ole boy taking one for the team! and by team I mean all the vigilante profilers in Florida. [url=]rryioysst[/url] [link=]neutbadn[/link]
# 3 Dana 14.10.2015 - 04:17 Wili ... je rekao/la:
lip20inblack oni juz leca na gotowca robia koupij-wklej i robert hasa na czerwono, mogli by zapomniec jakiejs linki wymazac ale niedopuscili by innych pomylek-za duzo im za to placa- a jak by mieli roberta ladowac odrazu w zbroi to by sie biedny zmeczyl i niechcialby robic 3 czesci, poza tym zbroja byla by jak koszula innej postaci- caly film w jednej- nada- musialo by byc ich po kilka na kazdy dzien- czyli co czyli znowu kasa- wszystko kreci sie wkol kasy
# 2 Dana 09.10.2015 - 00:57 Hadah ... je rekao/la:
Dear srf4real,"Yet I am penalized for buinyg my home in your neighborhood a few years later than you did. That is why SOH needs to go."SOH has nothing to do with this disparity between your neighbors' taxes and yours. All SOH is supposed to do is PROTECT Floridians (your neighbors) from being pushed out of their homes due to property tax INCREASES.You are not an educated buyer. If I had not considered the impact of the SOH cap to the previous owners when purchasing my home, then I'd have ended up buinyg a much more expensive home -- one I could inevitably not afford, considering the higher taxes.You should have done the math BEFORE you purchased your home.Your taxes are not high BECAUSE of SOH. SOH serves to keep your neighbors' taxes in check. The reason your taxes are so high is because the county did not adjust millage rates after the real estate bubble. INSTEAD THEY SAT BACK AND WATCHED THE REVENUE POUR IN!!!!!!!Your statements and your assumptions about SOH are INCORRECT. [url=]spnxbxbo[/url] [link=]obvajp[/link]
# 1 Dana 19.09.2015 - 07:38 Andromeda ... je rekao/la:
lip20Qlczas zaciekawiło mnie to starałem się coś znaleźć i na jeednj stronce przeczytałem, że niestety ale Yes, Robert Downey Jr has used the same stunt double for all the films where he plays the Iron Man character, including the new Avengers film. In another recent film, the new Sherlock Holmes movie, Downey did most of his own stunts. w skrf3cie po polsku: we wszystkich iron manach i w avengersach miał tego samego dublera, jednak w drugim Sherlocku większość scen nagrywał on sam.
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