Autor: Admin
Datum objave: 12.10.2012


Pravilna prehrana i kvalitetni dodaci

Za početak je potrebno osigurati potrebe svakog sportaša, a pod potrebama smatramo snagu, izdržljivost, brzinu i eksplozivnost, regeneraciju i oporavak te unos tekućine u organizam.


Svejedno radi li se o muškarcima ili ženama, o mladima ili starima, a rekreativcima ili profesionalnim sportašima, samo onaj tko trenira promišljeno i hrani se pravilno moţe postići pravi napredak. Za učinkovitost u svakodnevnom životu i sportu vašem tijelu treba energija koja će ga opskrbiti toplinom, mišiće "gorivom", a živce "strujom".


Gorivo ćete dobiti iz hrane u vidu masnoće, ugljikohidrata i djelomiĉno proteina koji se u tijelu, koje je nalik biokemijskoj elektrani, pretvaraju u energiju. Ta energija, koja se nalazi u hrani, mjeri se u kilokalorijama.




Ljudi piju premalo tekućine, u pogrešnom trenutku, a onda još i pogrešno a zapravo je tekućina najvažnija kompenzacija za tjelesno opterećenje. Sa svakom kapi znoja naše tijelo gubi važne minerale i druge anorganske elemente. Već 10 % gubitka tjelesne tekućine smanjuje uĉinkovitost za 50 %. No, pri tom je najvažnije što pijete.


Onaj tko ima problema s viškom kilograma, treba paziti na skrivene ugljikohidrote u slatkim limunadama ili voćnim nektarima. Mineralno voda, voda i slični napitci su dobri, i to najmanje 2-3 litre dnevno. Međutim, bolji su obogaćeni napitci koji optimalno kompenziraju gubitak mineralnih tvari i istovremeno osiguravaju opskrbu vitamina i minerala.

Kategorije: Prehrana
Tagovi: Fitness,
# 6 Dana 09.10.2015 - 15:39 Erpo ... je rekao/la:
"There is too much black on black killing among YBM, and all of us slhuod be concerned.But does that mean that if someone wrongfully shoots one of those YBM to death he slhuod get a pass?"NO. there slhuod be no passes for ANYONE. yet they are written for bm and handed out daily. i would rate you FN, chief among the guilty visible pass hander outers. lol. you do this affably under the guise of ignorance. i see you and have shared this observation with you several times before. IF folks seek to be emotionally charged about the on going genocide of our that and then DO something to positively peacefully affect change. however, that is NOT what is happening. what we see is additional golden calf bm worship in the so called black community. this is why police brutality against bw and girls don't make the radar. i won't even go there about how mum's the word folks are with the #1 abusers of BW, girls, boys, themselves, and their any community they happen into...this is a very real issue that folks are trying to ignore. since Trayvon met his untimely demise, there are have been many more like him. many. out of Chicago alone. Black teenagers, boys and girls, that have lost their lives. unless it is white folk is just another day. passes written there. all life is precious. FL is still in America. folks that have been here for GENERATIONS acting brand new like they don't understand where they are and who they are dealing with make me tired.Lady Justice is NOT blind and CLEARLY is a ww. lol. time and again she has demonstrated in this country that not only can she see Black folks but she reserves the right to get super harsh when it is time to deal with us-men, women, boys and girls. this is not new. the incredulous, 'i cannot believe the injustice' routine is what is brand new. [url=]zqczlfbajx[/url] [link=]tiyfqhgoabt[/link]
# 5 Dana 09.10.2015 - 01:17 Alexandra ... je rekao/la:
- euh, c\'est pas moi qui l\'ai sugge9re9 (j\'adore ta version couelur)tu as fait un stage ? (pardon, j\'ai pas tout suivi, j\'ai le nez dans le guidon, et j\'e9merge juste deux minutes pour jeter un coup d\'oeil e0 mes blogs pre9fe9re9s, et je t\'aime chez Cali!) [url=]swldnzjofri[/url] [link=]snufcasvo[/link]
# 4 Dana 20.09.2015 - 11:52 Silvia ... je rekao/la:
I am glad that your were able to find something that you eenjyod and that was hopefully helpful as well. I hope that it proves to be worth your having bookmarked the site. If you have any questions or issues you would like to see addressed please let me know.
# 3 Dana 15.01.2015 - 15:26 Javier ... je rekao/la:
Field, have you seen that Rasmussen Report that overwhelmingly show that we Negroes are more raisct than Whites and Hispanics? This shit is depressing and it's NOT a good time to be Black. In fact, it's NEVER been a good time to be Black in America.BTW, someone told me some time ago when Obama was on the campaign trail for President, that Rasmussen was black owned. SOB! Even our own folks(not that's anything new) are against us. I can't take much more of this beat down. [url=]tzzrzabz[/url] [link=]waswhwhzo[/link]
# 2 Dana 14.01.2015 - 06:54 Zizo ... je rekao/la:
"There is too much black on black killing among YBM, and all of us slhuod be concerned.But does that mean that if someone wrongfully shoots one of those YBM to death he slhuod get a pass?"NO. there slhuod be no passes for ANYONE. yet they are written for bm and handed out daily. i would rate you FN, chief among the guilty visible pass hander outers. lol. you do this affably under the guise of ignorance. i see you and have shared this observation with you several times before. IF folks seek to be emotionally charged about the on going genocide of our that and then DO something to positively peacefully affect change. however, that is NOT what is happening. what we see is additional golden calf bm worship in the so called black community. this is why police brutality against bw and girls don't make the radar. i won't even go there about how mum's the word folks are with the #1 abusers of BW, girls, boys, themselves, and their any community they happen into...this is a very real issue that folks are trying to ignore. since Trayvon met his untimely demise, there are have been many more like him. many. out of Chicago alone. Black teenagers, boys and girls, that have lost their lives. unless it is white folk is just another day. passes written there. all life is precious. FL is still in America. folks that have been here for GENERATIONS acting brand new like they don't understand where they are and who they are dealing with make me tired.Lady Justice is NOT blind and CLEARLY is a ww. lol. time and again she has demonstrated in this country that not only can she see Black folks but she reserves the right to get super harsh when it is time to deal with us-men, women, boys and girls. this is not new. the incredulous, 'i cannot believe the injustice' routine is what is brand new. [url=]haemvedjopp[/url] [link=]rdbxrkelbf[/link]
# 1 Dana 12.01.2015 - 07:41 Deejay ... je rekao/la:
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for wrntiig!
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