Autor: Admin
Datum objave: 30.10.2013


Izmjenjivanje intervala trčanja i hodanja

Kad se tek počnete baviti trčanjem, izmjenjujte intervale hodanja s intervalima trčanja..


Dvije minute hodanja i jedna minuta trčanja dobra je mjera za početak. Postupno skraćujte intervale hodanja, sve dok ne budete mogli trčati 20 minuta bez prekida. Ako va se svidi trčanje, nastavite postupno produljivati ukupno trajanje treninga.


Čaki i nakon što iz treninga izbacite intervale hodanja, nastavite s mijenjanjem intenziteta vježbanja. Nemojte se stalno vući jedva podižući stopala od tla. Eksperimentirajte s tehnikama koje smo opisali u 6. poglavlju. Nemojte naravno ni svaki puta u trening uključiti maksimalni sprint. Promjena tempa aktivira vaše srce, pluća i noge na različite načine. Osim toga, raznolikost čini trčanje zabavnijim.




Kako biste izbjegli ozljede, nemojte povećavati kilometražu za više od 10 posto tjedno. Dakle, ako trčite 10 kilometara tjedno te želite povećati kilometražu, nastojte sljedeći tjedan pretrčati 11 kilometara. Skok s 10 na 12 kilometara ne doima se kao neka velika promjena, no istraživanja pokazuju da povećanje kilometraže za više od 10 posto povećava rizik od ozljeda.

Osim toga nemojte trćati svaki dan. Dajte svom tijelu barem jedan slobodan dan u tjednu, po mogućnosti i više, kako biste se odmorili i oporavili. To je dobro pravilo koje se može promijeniti na sve športske aktivnosti.

Kategorije: Fitness
Tagovi: Fitness
# 3 Dana 09.10.2015 - 15:38 Tuan ... je rekao/la:
i submit to you until we as a nitaon get real...not a thing will change. except there will be more Trayvon sacrifices. folks are arming themselves to protect themselves, their families and their communities from violence. just because these types of stories don't get posted on the nanny cam that caught a mother's in home invasion and beating. as long as quite a few bm and the so called black community pretends there is no problem. it appears others are content to keep shooting folks dead and going through the court motions if need be. if the controlled manipulated media had not jumped on this story, Zimmerman would have gone on about his life. this story is all over the place for reasons that have nothing to do with justice for Trayvon. there is no justice on earth. one is not allowed to shot Zimmerman to death. twice. that would be justice. we are not called to administer justice here. we are called to forgive the injustices. be wise and walk in respect to turn them away. may he rest in peace. may his mother's heart heal and his family find peace.there is a reason the old saying indicates that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. it is understood that some lessons might kill you. a simple respecting of the elders would have been enough to save Trayvon's life. he was a child, so he should not have had to die to learn that lesson. i have always been opinionated so if shooting folks for speaking out of turn was the norm... Zimmerman was simply 'acting white'. there is an arrogance that accompanies the condition in many cases. if one reads, some of them have even taken the time to provide written acknowledgement that Blacks will never have rights that they feel bound to respect. their movies have already indicated that white folks today should YEARN for the America of yesteryear. from the help, to LeBron as king kong, to noose focus/lust, to the gutting of the voter's rights act as it spilled into 'real' life. a brief strol
# 2 Dana 09.10.2015 - 01:15 Ivaneide ... je rekao/la:
- Your model is incredibly beuufital! All of the photographs turned out quite nicely you must have a great teacher and some good equipment. Its winter now, and that\'s such a good time to turn to studio work since there\'s not much light to work with here. [url=]istpwg[/url] [link=]llriwedvxed[/link]
# 1 Dana 20.09.2015 - 10:25 Naveed ... je rekao/la:
I just finished The Shack by Wm Paul Young. Amazing book and very quick read, which is irtompant in my life right now! I just started Reality Check by Guy Kawasaki. Awesome book and quite literally, a reality check. Jenny Davis, The Partner Channel
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