Autor: Admin
Datum objave: 15.03.2013


Založio se za povratak hrvanja na OI

Ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin založio se za povratak hrvanja u olimpijsku obitelj poručivši kako je izbacivanje tradicionalnih sportova s OI nepravedno.


"Nepravedno je izbacivanje iz olimpijskog programa tradicionalnih sportova, koji su tu od nastanka Igara, još od antičke Grčke", rekao je Putin poručivši kako će o pitanju olimpijskog statusa hrvanja razgovarati s čelnicima Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora.



Izvršni odbor MOO-a je 12. veljače nakon nekoliko krugova tajnog glasovanja s liste 25 sportova za OI 2020. godine isključio hrvanje. No, hrvanje se ipak može vratiti u program Igara ako prođe kvalifikacije u konkurenciji sedam drugih sportova.


Za jedno upražnjeno mjesto članovi MOO-a birat će između hrvanja, bejzbola/softbola, karatea, koturaljkanja, sportskog penjanja, skvoša, wakeboardinga i wushua. MOO će konačnu odluku o novom članu olimpijske obitelji donijeti na zasjedanju u Buenos Airesu od 7. do 10. rujna.

Kategorije: Hrvanje, Zanimljivosti
Tagovi: Hrvanje, Zanimljivosti
# 4 Dana 15.01.2015 - 15:18 Sahil ... je rekao/la:
actually, he's getting it from lviing outside the USA and talking to a bunch of other people who do likewise.seriously, it's not that damn hard to connect the dots. y'all invade any country you like, pretty much (so long as, interestingly enough, it does not possess nukes of its own), blatantly strong-arm even more countries than you outright invade (opinions are divided on whether or not you realize that it actually is blatant... but it is, hint hint), and generally behave like the modern-day diplomatic equivalent of the barbian hordes. even your allies you don't tend to treat very well, unless you're also deeply in debt to them, c.f. Japan. when you're not, your notion of "allies" seem to go down the lines of "you do what we tell you, and we ignore your interests", c.f. the UK.but you're leaving North Korea alone. even though it's probably holding all three top spots on the list of countries which on no occasion ought to be left unmeddled with, at this point. and far as anybody can tell, it is only because kim jong crazyface has at least a couple of nukes. us furriners don't know what two and two may add up to in Washington, D.C., but in the rest of the world that makes four. [url=]ausxij[/url] [link=]tatfrcr[/link]
# 3 Dana 14.01.2015 - 06:49 Juancho ... je rekao/la:
Actually $600 bil, but still an inordinate amonut of spending on military. Russia has already been beefing up its military. Such a budget is pretty much in line with its current level. Such talk will have Republicans Congress calling for an even greater military build-up as they will interpret that $775 bil as Putin's annual outlay over the next 10 years. [url=]ojooirdui[/url] [link=]hodevtuq[/link]
# 2 Dana 12.01.2015 - 10:56 Crissy ... je rekao/la:
God, I feel like I shulod be takin notes! Great work
# 1 Dana 19.03.2013 - 01:39 ko.s ... je rekao/la:
bravo za putina, sa fedorom uza se ucinit ce mnogo dobrog za sport
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